TfL Some of London Underground Busking Records on Metro Newspaper
Photographs ©︎TfL, Metro and Bond Street Station passenger
Thanks in personal, ☺︎
《 TfL -Transport for London- 》 London,UK
《 Metro 》 London,UK
《 The Cavern Club Liverpool 》 Liverpool,UK
《 Liverpool City Council 》 Liverpool,UK
The “London Transport Museum” filmed documentary of London buskers that called “The Lives Of The Buskers” 2011. That was really nice film. Some of our photographs recorded on collections page of their Official Website officially, and you can see history of Oxford Circus Station there.
Here is just put links about some of Yoko’s pics pages below, and please check more the website, you can learn more history about London transport, it is amazing! Big thanks for dear ltm.
London Transport Museum(ロンドン交通博物館)による制作・2011年公開のフィルム「The Lives Of The Buskers」の撮影風景より一部バスキング風景の写真が、ロンドンアンダーグラウンド・オックスフォードサーカス駅のヒストリー(駅構内風景の歴史)の一部として公式ページに記録されています。
Photographs ©︎ TfL / London Transport Museum/ Heather McDonough(Photographer)
『I AM ZOMBIE』©︎Mark Rein-Hagen’s
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Other archive [Some articles]
16th Dec 2013 6:56am | By Jade Bremner : There’s no better season to belt out tunes in the Tube – and it could be just the career leg-up you need as a musician. Ever wanted to perform in front of an audience of millions? Well, in London you don’t have to be a multi-platinum-selling artist to be heard by thousands of people every day – Underground buskers get a platform on which to showcase their talents and gain valuable experience playing live, all while earning a crust during the busy Christmas season.An estimated 3.5 million people use the Tube on a daily basis.And at…..
Read More (From at 38 page) ©︎Jade Bremner / TNT Magazine
”あのジブリメタルが帰ってきた!! より激しく!!よりディープに!さらにスケール・アップしてジブリ映画の名曲群をメタル・カヴァー!” 2012.03.03 前作から約1年……何とあの日本の国民的文化であり、国際的にはジャパニメーションの代名詞とも評されるスタジオ・ジブリの名曲の数々をデス・メタルでカヴァーしようという荒唐無稽な超話題作、『Princess Ghibli』の第2弾が登場!! Coroner Records所属バンドを中心としたPrincess Ghibliの為のプロジェクトIMAGINARY FLYING MACHINESも、さらに参加バンドが増え….
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Words:Cleo Davis / Photography:Jonny Cochrane : From Recognise UK Bruce Springsteen has done it in his videos, Sting does it in disguise and Tom Jones got £500 in half an hour for doing it. While some still regard busking as a form of street begging, the rest of us know that it is in fact a highly regarded form of performing and money making. RECOGNISE followed the sounds of London’s underground to speak to Transport for London’s licensed buskers: Israeli born Hadar Manor, Tokyo’s Yoko Hallelujah and Jamie West…
Read More©︎Cleo Davis / Photography : Jonny Cochrane : From Recognise UK
di FQ Londra | 18 aprile 2011 Più informazioni su: Londra Dopo anni di lavoro in Italia come regista televisiva e videomaker freelance, avvertivo il bisogno di confrontarmi con una realtà diversa, esterna al nostro Paese. Forse perché Bologna, la mia città, ma anche Roma e Milano, che conosco per averci lavorato e vissuto, mi sono sempre sembrate un po’ troppo piccole, e se mi passate il termine “provinciali”. Soprattutto se le si confronta ad altre grandi capitali europee. Invece arrivando a Londra ho avvertito tutta la differenza. È stato per me come proiettarsi in uno spazio dinamico, in perpetuo cambiamento, capace di affascinare e spaventare al tempo stesso.Di questa città, dove tutto il mondo può sentirsi a casa sua mantenendo la…..
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18th Jun. 2011 激ロック : 今年度、特に今期はアニメが豊作だ。Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegasの「Chase the Light!」がオープニング曲に抜擢された”逆境無頼カイジ破壊録篇”や、fadeの「One Reason」がオープニング曲に起用されている”デッドマン・ワンダーランド”など、激ロックの読者にも見逃せないTVアニメが各局で絶賛放送中だけど、そんな最中、ネットやレコード・ショップで品切れが続出するほどの大ヒットを飛ばしているアニメ関連のカヴァー・アルバムがあるのでここで紹介しよう。その名も『プリンセス・ジブリ』。なんと、ジブリ作品の名曲をメタル・アレンジしているという驚きの一枚だ。日本にはアニメや特撮のテーマ曲をメタル・カヴァーしているヘヴィメタ集団アニメタルがいるし、海外にも、有名なところでは…..
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Sep 22, 2010 Red Bull Sounderground : To gain support or to test the popularity of a piece, great names in music have taken to the streets in disguise to perform to the most demanding of publics – passers by who are busy with their daily lives. The street performance experiences of the not so anonymous were very surprising. The father of pop art, Andy Warhol, had already predicted that in the consumer age everyone would experience 15 minutes of fame. But those who already have a much larger share of success may travel the opposite direction in search of precious minutes of anonymity. Such is the case of celebrities who perform under disguise for the diverse street public…
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13th Sep 2010 Sankei Express掲載 : 日本のポピュラー音楽「Jポップ」を欧州でヒットさせようと、英実力派プロデューサーとロンドンの地下鉄駅で活動する日本人女性バスカー(流しの歌手)、ハレルヤ洋子さんが組んで英国発Jポップをリリースした。マンガやアニメ、コスプレは欧州でも大人気。英マン島出身の女子中学生ベッキー・クルーエルさん(15)がアニメソングに合わせて踊る動画を投稿したところユーチューブでヒットして日本でアイドルになった。英国発Jポップの流行なるか….
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Aug 17, 2010 Red Bull Sounderground : London is more than deserving of its title as the live music capital of the world. To earn it, it established a serious system of selection for artists who give up to 90,000 hours of performance each year. With over 270 stations spread out across the city and more than 3.5 million daily passengers, London Underground, more famously known as the Tube, is one of the biggest icons of busking culture in the world. The fact that ‘busker’ is originally an English term also says a lot.London first began operating an underground transport system in the 19th century and there are close to 400km of rail tracks – more than enough space to house a variety of…..
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